Home CultureConventions [INTERVIEW] Les PSYCHIC FEVER from EXILE TRIBE sont prêts à conquérir le monde et nous le font savoir !

[INTERVIEW] Les PSYCHIC FEVER from EXILE TRIBE sont prêts à conquérir le monde et nous le font savoir !

by Celia Cheurfa

On the occasion of their first visit to France and at Japan Expo festival where they delivered exceptional performances, supported by a strong audience, we met PSYCHIC FEVER with the J-Music Concert team. The boys, passionate about music, are ready to conquer the world and are letting us know ! Read the interview below.

Hello guys ! First of all, congratulations ! Today is a special day since it is your second anniversary.

PSYCHIC FEVER : [in French] Merci ! 

First, can you introduce yourself as a group and individually ? 

PSYCHIC FEVER : [in French] Hi, we are PSYCHIC FEVER from EXILE TRIBE ! 

Jimmy : [in French] Hello, my name is Jimmy. 

Ryoga : [in French] My name is Ryoga. 

Weesa : [in French] My name is Weesa. 

Kokoro : [in French] My name is Kokoro. 

Ryushin : [in French] My name is Ryushin. 

Ren : [in French] My name is Ren. 

Tsurugi : [in French] My name is Tsurugi. 

Can you tell us more about your music style ? 

Weesa  : To sum up, I think we are really diverse, different and diverse. Regarding music, we try not to focus only on one genre. We try to do a little bit of everything because it’s exciting. From time to time, we follow the trends and sometimes we bring something more old school. We are really diverse, both in terms of style and personality. 

Do you discuss with each other about one song’s music style ? 

Weesa  : Indeed. A lot of teams are working with us but they do not necessarily give us strict instructions. It is more of a big conversation all together. For instance, our latest EP which has just been released is inspired by J-pop. It was decided together. We all pitched in. 

Five months ago, you dropped the hit Just Like That and more recently you released the song Bee-po, tell us more about your creative process ! 

Jimmy : During Just Like That, most of us were in Thailand. There were only three people staying in Japan. We had to take the plane to record the song.  It is a work that took a lot of time and a lot of effort, and we also made B-POP with a producer who we’ve been working with for a long time in Thailand, so I think it’s a song that’s full of our experiences working in Asia because we left Japan. It was created without borders. 

Tell us more about your upcoming Asian tour. 

Ryoga : We have just ended up our Japanese tour, which went really well. Next, we will kick off our tour in Asia before heading to the United States soon. In the future, we would love to expand even more internationally. We are also very honored to be here in France right now. 

Speaking about this, is there any international or Japanese artist you would like to collaborate with ?

Weesa : We would love to do a collaboration with Aya Nakamura. We discovered her not that long ago and from the moment we came to France, we could not help but hear her songs everywhere. We think she is a cool person so I would love to collaborate with her.

We wish you that !

Weesa : Also, she has a Japanese name, so we feel close to her !

 What song embodies the spirit of PSYCHIC Fever ?

Kokoro  : Just Like That !

Why is that ?

Kokoro :  Because it is the sound that propelled us internationally. It was widely shared on social media and went viral. It is thanks to ‘Just Like That’ that we are here today, and we can only be proud of it!

Dance represents an important part of your work. Do you participate in the choreography?

Ryoga: It depends. We can create our own choreography, or we can call on choreographers to modify our creations or create a choreography themselves.

Tell us more about your future projects ! 

Ryoga : As previously announced, we have an Asian tour planned, but we won’t be staying in Asia. We are going to try to conquer the world. We want our international fans to follow us in our adventures.

When you are not working, what do you like to do during your spare time?

Jimmy: With Ryoga, we make beats. The only time we are able to work on our beats is on our days off. Weesa writes the lyrics. We try to contribute to Psychic Fever even on our days off.

Kokoro: I like going training or improving my singing. I also like learning foreign languages.

Weesa : We also watch a lot of anime and movies. 

Ryushin : I also enjoy playing video games.

Any anime you would recommend ? 

Weesa : I love JoJo. It’s my favorite anime.

Do you have a neighborhood or a dish to recommend if our team goes to Japan?

Tsurugi: In Tokyo, there is a neighborhood called Nakameguro. It’s a station. There are many businesses founded by our agency, LDH. There are cafes, clothing stores, sushi places, and very good yakitori. You can eat, walk around, and we are also there! Come to Nakameguro.

Is it your first time in Paris ? What do you expect from this visit ?

Weesa : Yesterday we had the chance to do a dance workshop and we saw that the French audience was quite enthusiastic. Today is the first time we are performing on stage in France, something we have been looking forward to for a long time. We want to share our passion for music and maybe to get known in France as well.

We asked fans on social media to send in questions, and we received questions from fans all over the world ! First, which EXILE TRIBE senpai would you like to collaborate with?

Jimmy : It is true that we have always been fascinated by EXILE, and that is why we are part of EXILE TRIBE, but we have never collaborated with them. So we would really like to collaborate together !

Finally, what has been the most memorable moment of your career ?

Kokoro : There is not one moment more memorable than another because it keeps getting better and better, stronger and stronger. The more shows we do, the more memorable it is. That is  why today is also a memorable moment. We are in Paris, and we wanted to perform here for a long time. We have two performances today that are going to be decisive for us. We just can not wait for the French audience to discover us !

We are grateful towards LDH and  PSYCHIC FEVER from EXILE TRIBE for their time, as well as to Japan Expo for the accreditation and to J-Music Concert for the collaboration.

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